Monday, March 16, 2020

Essay on Case Study

Essay on Case Study Essay on Case Study Chapter 4 Case Study - John Jacob, Inc., Online Trading System 1. With respect to telephone survey, how should customers be selected to participate? Should the customer sample be random? What questions should be asked? Customers should be randomly selected to participate in a telephone survey. You can obtain lists of random telephone numbers that are created by computer programs, or you can create your own list from local telephone directories. Questions that should be asked are: 1. What is you yearly income? 2. How long have you used our services to buy, sell, or trade stock? 3. What type of stocks do you own or will own in the future? 4. What is your gender? 5. Are you at least 18 years or older? If not ask for a person in the household that is 18 years or older. 6. How did you hear about us? 7. Were you able to navigate through our web site without problems? 2. With respect to the questionnaire, list some possible questions to include. Remember to include both close- and open-ended questions. Some possible close- and open-ended questions in a questionnaire are: 1. Do you have any suggestions for enhancing our services? 2. How would you measure your overall satisfaction with our services? Rating from 0 to 10. 3. How likely are you to continue to use our services? Rating from 0 to 10. 4. How likely is it that you would suggest a friend/coworker to try our services? Rating from 0 to 10. 5. How often do you buy, sell, or trade stocks from us? Daily, Weekly, Hourly, Monthly. 6. What was the speed of our web site? Very Slow, Slow, SO-SO, Fast, Rapid. 3. With respect to the focus group, how should customers be selected to participate? Who should lead the discussion? What questions should be asked? Should a version of the existing system be available as a discussion aid? Should a prototype of the new system be available as a discussion aid? The customers that should be selected for a focus group should be you should have similarity within a group with regard to stratifying characteristics. For example, separate groups for teachers, parents, and administrators. You should have diversity within a group with regard to other characteristics that might influence responses. Some examples are: 1. Men and women 2. Blacks, Hispanics, and whites 3. Old and young 4. Geographical and occupational mix 5. Prior knowledge or attitude toward the topic In addition, you should stay away from individuals that know one another and/or individuals of exceptionally different rank, socioeconomic rank, and/or hostile viewpoints. The person that should lead the focus group discussion should be an individual with knowledge or is qualified in-group dynamics and focus group discussions. Questions that should be asked in a focus group are: 1. What do you believe should be done to help individuals gain better access to our web site? 2. What do you think about the new user face of the web site? 3. How should the improved and faster web site be promoted? 4. What do you believe should be done to help people gain better access to their portfolios? 5. How well is the present user face functioning? I think that a version of the existing system should be available as a discussion aid so that the individual speaking can use it for reference. I also think that a prototype of the new system should be available as a discussion aid. You can use these two systems to compare the differences, good and bad. 4. With respect to the JAD session, how should customers be selected to participate? Who else should participate? What are the chief requirements that should be determined during the session? This will typically call for the program manager, the project manager, the business leaders, the subject matter experts (SME), end users, a number of programmers and perhaps some others to be there. You are looking for participation from everyone with whom this project will have a direct or indirect effect. We cannot forget the